At Luxe Tas we have an open question policy: we’d prefer you ask 1000 questions freely before your purchase and feel 100% comfortable than for you to buy feeling unsure without any questions. We welcome questions and love to help our clients feel sure. Please look below to read many common questions Luxe Tas have answered. If you have any questions not listed below feel free to email us

1.Is the bag real leather?
The bag is guaranteed to be 100% made of real leather which is imported to match that of the original make. Luxe Tas use a range of leathers depending on what is used by the authentic brand on the original bag.

2. What kind of quality are your bags?
Our designer items are 1:1 original replicas, looks exactly the same as the authentic ones, and we also pay attention to every detail
We have experience of working directly with high-quality factories in China, which are great sources of the supplier. That's why we can offer almost every designer piece at a reasonable price

3. I'm looking for an item that is not listed on your site, can you provide it?
Our main products are handbags, bags, and wallets. We also do shoes, belts, cap, sunglasses, and glasses frames...

If you are looking for an item we don't list on our site. Please send us an email with the pictures and names of the bags. The more details are given, the easier and quicker to locate the handbag in the factory.

4. How long will it take to ship my order?

Your order will be processed in 6-8 business days. Then it will be shipped out from our warehouse in China. The shipping times will depend on your location, would be around 10-15 days. We will provide a tracking number you can use to get updated information about your parcel online.

COVID-19 update: The shipping time might be delayed due to covid-19, it could take up to a month to arrive, but don't worry, it will definitely arrive

5. Payment
What type of payments do you accept?

We accept Visa, Mastercard as well as Paypal.

When will my card be charged?

Right after you pay the invoice we sent.

6. How secure is my personal information?
We adhere to the highest industry standards to protect your personal information when you checkout and purchase.

Your credit card information is encrypted during transmission using secure socket layer (SSL) technology, which is widely used on the Internet for processing payments. Your credit card information is only used to complete the requested transaction and is not subsequently stored.

7. Will I be charged taxes/duty fees?
Please note that we ship all over the world and always try to ship in a way that should go through customs without sweat but some countries have strict rules than others and we Cannot predict and control taxes. We are not responsible for taxes collected through customs. 99.9% of our clients do not pay taxes or duty fees. If you are charged taxes/duties you must pay them to your government in order to receive your goods. We mark parcels as gifts/low value to avoid customs and this works 99.99% of the time.

8. When will I receive my items?

All items are produced and shipped from our facility within 10 to 15 business days (USA) from the time of purchase. Standard shipping times, then apply. Click the tracking information located in your confirmation email to view your shipping details and lead time. Please contact us if your order hasn’t arrived within the expected lead time.

Shipping time varies by location. These are our estimates:


*Estimated Shipping Time

United States

10-15 Business days

Canada, Europe

10-15 Business days

Australia, New Zealand

12-17 Business days

Central & South America

10-20 Business days


8-15 Business days


15-30 Business days


Max delivery time – 30 business days.

*This doesn’t include our 6-8 day processing time.

*All shipping times exclude clearance/customs delays

1. I haven't received any information about my order yet
- You will receive a confirmation email right after placing an order. Please check your spam email to make sure you received that confirmation. If not, the email you provided us might be wrong, please email us to edit your email address

- If you did receive a confirmation email about the order, your order's in processing, which normally takes 4-7 business days. More-than-2-item orders will take a bit longer to process. Our system will automatically update the tracking number when it's available

2. My tracking number isn't working
Tracking numbers can take 2-3 days (or more) to appear in the shipping carrier's system. After that time, if your tracking number still doesn't work, please contact us at this page https://luxe-tas.com/pages/contact-us

3. It's been a long time since my tracking number hasn't show any updates
- It's normal. Actually, your order's still in normal delivery within the carrier system, but UPS tracking doesn't show every small single step. That's why it looks like a standstill for a long time

- Sometimes the carrier system is overloaded and there might be a delay in updating delivery status, which could be later than the real-time status

- There're also some out-of-control cases causing the delay in shipping time. For example government controls, custom clearance, pandemic, natural disaster, or accident... We will update about those cases when getting a notification from the courier

Anyways, when the tracking number appears on the carrier system, it will definitely arrive at your address. No worries

4. Can I return my item(s)?
Yes, of course! If you are not satisfied with our items, you can return it to our warehouse. Please read the Refund & Return Policy

5. Some items are missing. What should I do?
Items can be shipped separately depending on your order. As soon as one of your items is available in one of our warehouses, we will ship it to you as soon as possible while waiting to receive the others. However, don't worry, your orders will arrive in full shortly.